Tuesday, March 20, 2012

...Pictures and Priorities

Here I am. Sitting in my room. Contemplating how to spend my time because I'm already done with my homework, not feeling like really doing anything. Drinking apple beer. Listening to great music. And, oh yeah, freezing!   For the last two weeks, it has been simply B-E-A-UTIFUL!  It was sunny, blue skies, warm (between mid 50's and high 60's), flowers blooming...it was Spring! Or so we all thought. I guess Utah just wanted to torture us and give us a taste of the good and happy life, only to laugh in our faces and pile on the snow and cold on Sunday.  Unfortunately, our thermostat had been on "cold" during those last two weeks, and was at least on "off" Saturday night as it rained and snowed, but by the time we got back from church on Sunday, our apartment was so freakin cold! And it still is-our at least our room. It's probably a good 5 degree difference between our room and the rest of the apartment. Not quite sure why. All I know is that I hate being cold....

On a happier note, during the beautiful weather we had, Bridget, Heather and I decided to go take some pictures together one sunny Sunday evening.  Take a look!

Bridget and Heather both took their cameras, so naturally I became the bag-holder/model...

So that was a fun time, but it was a little colder than it was back in Provo, so we made it quick.  Other than that I haven't done much else. This last week was way relaxed in terms of what was actually required to do... On Thursday I went to a French cultural activity with Ariel and that was fun. Friday I didn't do much of anything- I watched Nacho Libre while making dinner and that was just fantastic. Sometimes I simply forget how great that movie is, and how it reminds me of Karch. =) On Saturday, believe it or not, I actually worked out and did laundry! Woot woot! Then Bridget and I took our cousin Jessica out for lunch and that was a blast! She's-a gettin' married!! 

We felt really lame for missing her birthday and not celebrating her engagement yet, so we took her out to celebrate, and to spend some time with her before she's completely taken away. =)  Plus she got into the El. Ed program! Yay!  It was so great to be able to spend time with her- I always forget how simply crazy we are together and how much I freaking love that family! 


On a different note, my friend Ryan gave a good spiritual thought at our Family Home Evening yesterday and I just thought I'd share a few comments on the topic. His spiritual thought was on priorities, which is something I think everyone could always be reminded of every now and then. He read from the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 6:24 - "No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannont serve God and mammon."  I think, especially in today's world and busy lifestyle that surrounds all of us, we try to do everything at once, not really putting our best effort into one thing.  I think that, with having so many things to do, it can be so easy to become distracted from what really matters in life: specifically family and God. I am guilty just as much as anyone of not taking the time to really put my priorities in the right order, which can really makes things difficult sometimes. But I firmly believe that if we make the time to put the important things first everyday, that we will be helped along the way in completing everything else we need to do. I've had times in my life where I put God first 100% and it was amazing to see the blessings in my life and how He helped me to find the time and ability to not only get everything done, but in a timely manner, and done with the accuracy I would have liked. But of course, it's only natural as human beings to fall back in our priorities after we have received so many blessings, almost as if we expect them to come just as easily no matter what. Granted He will always bless us, but it is so important to take time just for Him every day-to talk to Him, to read His words, to feel His Spirit, and to do what He has asked of you, to draw closer to Him.  I just personally believe that we will find so much more joy and happiness and beauty in this life if we make the time for what is important, and take time to reevaluate our priorities every now and then.  And this doesn't always have to relate to religion, but just in general, with everything you do, make sure your priorities are straight to where you can really make the most of this life and take advantage of the time you have with the people around you and those you love. 

1 comment:

  1. can i just say that i love your confidence? you kind of give off a ton of it. you're so comfortable with yourself, and it shows in your clothings and your writing. it's pretty amazing. just like you.
