Thursday, November 17, 2011

...Good News

Today was a pretty good day. I got paid to do my homework, and when I actually did work, I only had to go to one place on campus! Any day when that happens you know it's gonna be a good one, especially when every other day I have to travel to the four corners of the earth and back to do deliver papers. So not only did I only have to go to one place, but it was a B-E-A-UTIFUL day outside-I even walked around in my t-shirt. Now here comes the first good news of the day: Heidi walks into the office carrying a grocery bag. I smile at her- "Hey Heidi!" "Hey! You guys want some pie?!" Do I want some pie? Well that certainly is a silly question! Do you KNOW me?! Well, actually, she doesn't really, but still-the only person who would turn that down would just be simply off their rocker! And it was delicious pie. Berry. Nomnomnom. =)

Then after work came the other good news- the gospel. I LOVE my New Testament class. Brother Marsh teaches with such power, and while we might not get into deep doctrine, he has insights I never would have on my own and he really teaches in a way to apply the principles to our lives. Today we talked about the Second Coming. That Great and Dreadful Day. To be honest, I eagerly look forward to the Second Coming-while it will be dreadful for the wicked as they realize their destruction, I cannot wait to see more of the signs as His coming draws closer. I want to mention just a couple of points Brother Marsh made. In JS-Matt. 24:21-22, when it talks about the false prophets, it mentions that "they shall deceive the very elect (that's us, the members)," Brother Marsh made an interesting point that the false prophets are usually pretty obvious, like the one's that claim they are Christ and call people to follow them. However, he said, the false prophets in the Latter-days may also include a false form or idea of what and who Christ really is. Brother Marsh's comment made me think, and I asked myself, "Do we really KNOW Christ?" If we really come to know Him and take the time to talk with Him daily as well as to let Him talk with us, if we keep our covenants, attend the temple, fulfill our callings, faithfully serve and strive to be charitable, we really will know Christ because we will be becoming like Him. And I believe that by knowing Him, we will be guided by His Holy Spirit, making us able to recognize these false images, and to really know where the truth is. And by doing so, and becoming like Him, though we will not be a perfect people, we will be ready to meet Him when He comes again, and we will know Him when we see Him, because we will be like Him. I know that Jesus Christ lives, and I know that He and our Father both love us and know us individually more than we can even comprehend. They want us to return to Them. Do we remember the 'why' of the gospel and really love Them to not just go through the motions of being a member, but really take to heart the things we're asked to do, strengthen our testimony, and come to know Them like the Father and Brother they are to us? Despite the filth, scare, and vanity in the world around us, this is an exciting time to be alive. We have the opportunity and means more than ever before to really know who we are, strengthen our testimonies, and to share them to those around the world. Seize that opportunity. MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: take time to see if there's anything you want to work on. Pray to your Heavenly Father and really talk to Him. He loves you. He cares, even about the little things like when your ice cream fell on the sidewalk, or when someone made you smile, or if you're having a hard time even just getting through the day. Take time to strengthen your relationship with Him and with those around you that you love, for now is the time to do it! I'm taking this challenge myself because I am anything but perfect, and I know that by taking time to do this, we will each find the answers we are searching for, we'll feel the peace of the Holy Spirit throughout our daily lives, and we will experience more happiness in our lives.

Now that I just took up half your life by drawing you into reading this with my clever words and stories, I'll let you move on and carry on with the dreary, normal things you normal people do. Anyone, anyone? =) Hope you enjoyed a day in the life of my good news.

1 comment:

  1. I promise I won't make my posts this long every time. I just got carried away... teehee.
