Thursday, December 15, 2011

...Finals Week

We've all been there: the projects, the studying, the crazy hours and lack of sleep, the stress...need I go on?  Finals weeks seems to be one of those weeks where everyone on campus is freaking out while simultaneously bubbling over with excitement because the semester is finally over. more like bubbling over from insanity for having been in the library staring at a book or computer all week...Well, this has actually been one of the most relaxing, slow weeks I've had all semester. Odd how that works out isn't it? Finals were easy this semester, expect for my last one tomorrow that might just be the death of me. That is why I am posting this now-not only to say goodbye if I don't make it, but also to take procrastination to another level.  But I figure I could use a break after studying for some several hours.
I've also noticed a lot of people doing the "you know it's finals week when..." so I thought it'd be fun for my roommates and I to come up with a list of our own based on how our final's week is going. So, without further ado, I give you:

You Know It's Final's Week When...
    ...You lose all motivation to study by the middle of the week because that's all you've done and your               last exam is chemistry
     ...You find enjoyment in doing dishes simply because it counts as a break
     ...You never feel like looking presentable because you're always so tired but you have to because you have to work
     ...the neighborhoods are empty because everyone is on campus and having their 24-7 date with Mr. Harold (that's the Harold B. Lee Library in case you just don't understand)
     ...You take a break to watch the Even Stevens Movie for 20 minutes great movie by the way
     ...You take 3 exams in one day and are gone from home for 14 hours
     ...You have to recharge your laptop 3 times a day
     ...You text your parents after every exam to make up for the lack of communication all semester. Gotta get it in before the end right? Even if you are going home in 3 days...
     ...You know you need to go grocery shopping but you just can't do it because you leave in 3 days
     ...As a result of the previous, you live off of the Christmas goodies your friends/neighbors gave you as well as your roommates block of cheese
     ...You feel silly that you seem to be the only one on campus not freaking out and spend your time blogging about things like this instead of studying...not referring to anyone in particular...

Well that's what we got for ya. And now I don't really have much else to say. Life is good. Filled with joy, love, warmth, and peace.
Today seemed to be an emotional roller coaster, though. I was so happy at work today, putting together Christmas cards, listening to Christmas music, and being around good people.  But there came a time when I literally almost cried. Guess why. I'm sure you won't be able to, because even I was so shocked at the overwhelming emotion that came over me. It all happened when I looked at my book list for next semester, because I have to buy books before I go home. I was a little disappointed that I have to buy a different chemistry book than the one I have now, but I was pleased to see that I only have one book for each of my 5 classes. However, my spirits, heart, joy, and everything good in life, suddenly dropped when I finally added up the total price for these 5 books. Wanna guess how much?
      -Natalie said $300.
      -Bridget said $300, or $650.
Neither of them were close. I'll give you a hint. It starts with an 8 and ends in a hundred! Seriously?! 800 big ones for 5 freaking books?!? Ri.dic.u.LOUS!
So, I was bummin' about that for a little bit when I got back from work, then I realized I have the rest of the day to study for chemistry. Woo hoo. major sarcasm right there But it hasn't been too bad. I'm just ready to go home. To get out of Provo. To get out of Utah! It'll be weird being home again and not having Karch there this time, but it'll be a well-deserved and well-needed break full of family and good friends and the wonderful holiday spirit.

Finals week. The time of year when students seem to lose all sanity and even some respect for personal hygiene. A time of stress as well as relief.  A time where everyone is experiencing the same trials and no one can say "you just don't understand" A time of life that I most certainly will not miss.  If you're like me and taking finals this week, or even going through a stressful time or some type of struggle, do not be afraid. This too shall pass. All difficulties and trials are for our good and benefit- we all have our ups and downs. It's a part of life. But never forget to turn to those around you, to those that love you, and those you know you can always count on. Family. Good friends. God. It's possible to find peace in the midst of the storm to where you can focus on the good that is still around you and you can find that light at the end of the tunnel and know that this obstacle is not forever. Pray for strength, surround yourself with good people and activities, and never forget to look at what God has blessed you with. Happy Finals Week!  =)

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