Thursday, December 22, 2011

...Being Home for the Holidays

I did some things today.

So guess.

Guess guess guess.

Time’s running out.

I did many things today. To start off my day, Valerie and Natalie came over, with Natalie’s little sisters, and we had a tea party. Mmmmhmmm. Complete with mini finger sandwiches and other splendid goodies.  It wasn’t our first tea party together, but it sure was a blast. in case you didn’t get my reference from the beginning, check this out and have yourself a good laugh  

After that, I went over to my missionary’s family’s house to see them and give them some Christmas goodies. I spent a good hour over there. Can I just say that I simply LOVE that family? Because I do. They are some of the sweetest, most kind-hearted, fun, and loving people I know and it’s always so great to be around them. Karch’s sisters are so fun-they showed me a preview of a movie they’re making to show they’re family on Christmas Eve – I laughed so hard! Then I chatted with his mom for a while, mostly about Karch and how he’s doing, his letters, and how he gets to call home on Christmas. He even gets to skype if he can get to a computer! That’s awesome!  She invited me over for when he calls so I could talk to him too, but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE, more than ANYTHING, to talk to him-to be honest, that has been the only thing that I’ve wanted for Christmas ever since he left. But while I was at their house, his little sister has his phone, and she didn’t change the voicemail from what he had, so it’s his voice on it. So while I was over there, his mom called the phone so we could hear his voice. While it was only three words, “Hey, what’s up?”, it was the greatest thing I have heard since September 28 and I started to cry. So….I’m not totally sure how well actually talking to him, or even seeing him, would go over (if I could even get out of the house to do it).  It’s this awful battle inside of me! I don’t even know if it’s something he wants to do, but if it is, I want to so so so so so so badly, but at the same time I don’t want to make it harder on the both of us. I mean, it was hard enough to say goodbye the first time, and having to do it a second…I’m so torn!!!! Anyway, his mom and I had a good chat.  I simply adore this lady, and it really is just one of my favorite things to just be with that family-they basically are my second family.  

So after I get home, I’m chillin in the kitchen with Bridget right? When in walks Dad (more like stalks in) who starts shootin at us with what looks like a Nerf gun! No. Not a Nerf gun. Something even better than that. A freaking marshmallow gun! It was probably one of the coolest things we’ve ever had inside of our house. After the initial shock or realizing what this actually was, turns out he didn’t have just one, but four! There are four of us at home right now: Mom, Dad, Bridget and I.  War time anyone? That’s right, we played our own form of Capture the Flag, parents vs. kids. Each team had an object the other team had to get, but if you were hit with a marshmallow, you had to freeze and ‘recharge’ for 10 seconds, like Lazer Tag. So not only were we all sneaking around the house, loving the thrill of the game, but we had the Italian Job movie soundtrack playing in the background to make it that much better.  Mmmhmm. I almost guarantee my parents are cooler than yours.

We probably did that for a good solid 90 minutes, then went rabbit hunting, practicing our target shooting on cinnamon bunnies. Bridget was the champion in knocking over 12 using one round of ammo. Dad was a little disappointed. But all in good fun. Since then it’s been chill and I haven’t really done much, and I’m kinda really missin my boy. But it’s great because, even with how terribly I miss him and how being here at home just doesn’t seem 100% like home with him gone, it’s nice to realize that I only have to go through one more Christmas without him.  And while I miss him and do sometimes wish he was back home, the blessings that come from knowing he’s on a mission, and the joy it brings to me knowing that he chose to completely give of himself to serve the Lord and dedicate his life to what he believes in completely outweighs anything. I am so grateful that he chose to serve and I am so excited for the experiences he is going to have in Brazil and for this chance he has to serve, dedicate himself to our Lord and Savior, and to become the man the Lord wants him to be. Gosh I love him.


On a COMPLETELY different note....

Wednesday evening, Bridget, Mom and I went to a cooking class done by Steven Brower, owner and caterer of Maverick catering. A.MAZE.ING. This guy really knows what he’s doing! When the class first started, he had made appetizers for us all (there were 8 of us) with red wine, and sparkling cider for those of us who do not drink alcohol.  Then we went to work. In our class, he taught us how to make a double crust apple pie, a pecan pie, and a chocolate caramel tart. Can you say make-me-die-and-take-me-to-heaven-in-my-mouth-delicious? Because that’s what it was, in a nutshell.  We were baking from about 6:40 to 9:40, after which he served us dinner that he had made earlier, and then we tried each of the desserts we had just made.  Seriously people, this guy is GOOD. If you live around the greater Spokane area, or pretty much any of the areas around Spokane, it’s totally worth the trip to go to one of his cooking classes. Or if you are looking for a caterer, he is your guy. My dad has had him do caterings for dad’s work several times and he will always make good food within your budget, even if it’s only $20 per person. Seriously, look. him. up.  Probably one of the best cooking experiences you will have.

That’s about all I have to say. 

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