Saturday, January 21, 2012

...My Boredom...and weekend

I've been really bored today. I've done nothing but homework all day and I feel like I haven't really accomplished anything. Don't you hate those days?  So, what did I decide to do? Procrastinate and catch up on my blog! Yay  =)

So, last weekend was MLK Day, and we had a three-day weekend. You know what that means-St. George! But this time, Margeaux and Steven were going to be there too, so it was going to be par-tay!

Tom was not very happy...

So Bridget and I got there Friday night and we just chilled with Megan and Brady till Margeaux and Steven got there around 12:30 in the am.  Saturday was fun. We made breakfast together, played with the kids, I did some homework, lammmmeeee and around noon we decided to go out. Over the weekend, St. George was celebrating its 150th birthday, and they had lots of events going on throughout the weekend. Saturday afternoon, they were handing out free rootbeer floats.  Mmmmm nom nom nom.  Tom was sure loving that!  Soon after we got back, we decided to go climb some rocks.  These are not just some little sissy rocks-they were big desert rocks. And it was a lot of fun! There's this one spot called the crack that gets so small that you barely have enough room to climb up sideways, with your back on one rock and your face against another. Margeaux went up to check it out. She wouldn't climb it just because that's not her thing, but I wanted to try it. So I climbed up a little bit, but once it got to the really small part, it was dark, cold, and waaay too much like a cave. I can do heights, depths, climbs, whatever. But I cannot do caves. I don't know what it is, but they just scare the heck out of me! So I didn't end up climbing the whole thing. Actually, hardly any of it. haha That night we played the Wii Just Dance game which by the way is so much fun and then when the kids were in bed, us 'adults' played some more games.
Sunday we just played in the morning, went to church, which was
good as always, and then chilled the rest of the night. After church, we took some family pics since all four of us girls were together for the first time in a little over a year. That's crazy.  Then on Monday we just hung out in the morning, then went out to get some lunch, then we had to leave. But it was a great weekend and it was so nice to have us all together. Now, check out these pics!  =)

Look at this boy!

at the opera house for rootbeer floats




Okay, I don't know why blogger is being dumb about my pictures, but I'm tired of messing with it so sorry it's not perfect. Here's the rest. 

Sister picture. Hey, that kind of rhymes.  =)  

Yup. That seems about right.
Well, that just about sums up my awesome MLK, three-day weekend, as well as my lame post that just seems so lame because lame school has drained every ounce of creative or interesting juice from my brain. Thanks school. I like you a lot.  Mmmmm...debatable sometimes...

1 comment:

  1. so fun that you guys came! thank you, come again! also, i need those pictures, stat. thanks :)
