Thursday, December 22, 2011

...Being Home for the Holidays

I did some things today.

So guess.

Guess guess guess.

Time’s running out.

I did many things today. To start off my day, Valerie and Natalie came over, with Natalie’s little sisters, and we had a tea party. Mmmmhmmm. Complete with mini finger sandwiches and other splendid goodies.  It wasn’t our first tea party together, but it sure was a blast. in case you didn’t get my reference from the beginning, check this out and have yourself a good laugh  

After that, I went over to my missionary’s family’s house to see them and give them some Christmas goodies. I spent a good hour over there. Can I just say that I simply LOVE that family? Because I do. They are some of the sweetest, most kind-hearted, fun, and loving people I know and it’s always so great to be around them. Karch’s sisters are so fun-they showed me a preview of a movie they’re making to show they’re family on Christmas Eve – I laughed so hard! Then I chatted with his mom for a while, mostly about Karch and how he’s doing, his letters, and how he gets to call home on Christmas. He even gets to skype if he can get to a computer! That’s awesome!  She invited me over for when he calls so I could talk to him too, but I’m not sure if that’s going to happen. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE, more than ANYTHING, to talk to him-to be honest, that has been the only thing that I’ve wanted for Christmas ever since he left. But while I was at their house, his little sister has his phone, and she didn’t change the voicemail from what he had, so it’s his voice on it. So while I was over there, his mom called the phone so we could hear his voice. While it was only three words, “Hey, what’s up?”, it was the greatest thing I have heard since September 28 and I started to cry. So….I’m not totally sure how well actually talking to him, or even seeing him, would go over (if I could even get out of the house to do it).  It’s this awful battle inside of me! I don’t even know if it’s something he wants to do, but if it is, I want to so so so so so so badly, but at the same time I don’t want to make it harder on the both of us. I mean, it was hard enough to say goodbye the first time, and having to do it a second…I’m so torn!!!! Anyway, his mom and I had a good chat.  I simply adore this lady, and it really is just one of my favorite things to just be with that family-they basically are my second family.  

So after I get home, I’m chillin in the kitchen with Bridget right? When in walks Dad (more like stalks in) who starts shootin at us with what looks like a Nerf gun! No. Not a Nerf gun. Something even better than that. A freaking marshmallow gun! It was probably one of the coolest things we’ve ever had inside of our house. After the initial shock or realizing what this actually was, turns out he didn’t have just one, but four! There are four of us at home right now: Mom, Dad, Bridget and I.  War time anyone? That’s right, we played our own form of Capture the Flag, parents vs. kids. Each team had an object the other team had to get, but if you were hit with a marshmallow, you had to freeze and ‘recharge’ for 10 seconds, like Lazer Tag. So not only were we all sneaking around the house, loving the thrill of the game, but we had the Italian Job movie soundtrack playing in the background to make it that much better.  Mmmhmm. I almost guarantee my parents are cooler than yours.

We probably did that for a good solid 90 minutes, then went rabbit hunting, practicing our target shooting on cinnamon bunnies. Bridget was the champion in knocking over 12 using one round of ammo. Dad was a little disappointed. But all in good fun. Since then it’s been chill and I haven’t really done much, and I’m kinda really missin my boy. But it’s great because, even with how terribly I miss him and how being here at home just doesn’t seem 100% like home with him gone, it’s nice to realize that I only have to go through one more Christmas without him.  And while I miss him and do sometimes wish he was back home, the blessings that come from knowing he’s on a mission, and the joy it brings to me knowing that he chose to completely give of himself to serve the Lord and dedicate his life to what he believes in completely outweighs anything. I am so grateful that he chose to serve and I am so excited for the experiences he is going to have in Brazil and for this chance he has to serve, dedicate himself to our Lord and Savior, and to become the man the Lord wants him to be. Gosh I love him.


On a COMPLETELY different note....

Wednesday evening, Bridget, Mom and I went to a cooking class done by Steven Brower, owner and caterer of Maverick catering. A.MAZE.ING. This guy really knows what he’s doing! When the class first started, he had made appetizers for us all (there were 8 of us) with red wine, and sparkling cider for those of us who do not drink alcohol.  Then we went to work. In our class, he taught us how to make a double crust apple pie, a pecan pie, and a chocolate caramel tart. Can you say make-me-die-and-take-me-to-heaven-in-my-mouth-delicious? Because that’s what it was, in a nutshell.  We were baking from about 6:40 to 9:40, after which he served us dinner that he had made earlier, and then we tried each of the desserts we had just made.  Seriously people, this guy is GOOD. If you live around the greater Spokane area, or pretty much any of the areas around Spokane, it’s totally worth the trip to go to one of his cooking classes. Or if you are looking for a caterer, he is your guy. My dad has had him do caterings for dad’s work several times and he will always make good food within your budget, even if it’s only $20 per person. Seriously, look. him. up.  Probably one of the best cooking experiences you will have.

That’s about all I have to say. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

...Finals Week

We've all been there: the projects, the studying, the crazy hours and lack of sleep, the stress...need I go on?  Finals weeks seems to be one of those weeks where everyone on campus is freaking out while simultaneously bubbling over with excitement because the semester is finally over. more like bubbling over from insanity for having been in the library staring at a book or computer all week...Well, this has actually been one of the most relaxing, slow weeks I've had all semester. Odd how that works out isn't it? Finals were easy this semester, expect for my last one tomorrow that might just be the death of me. That is why I am posting this now-not only to say goodbye if I don't make it, but also to take procrastination to another level.  But I figure I could use a break after studying for some several hours.
I've also noticed a lot of people doing the "you know it's finals week when..." so I thought it'd be fun for my roommates and I to come up with a list of our own based on how our final's week is going. So, without further ado, I give you:

You Know It's Final's Week When...
    ...You lose all motivation to study by the middle of the week because that's all you've done and your               last exam is chemistry
     ...You find enjoyment in doing dishes simply because it counts as a break
     ...You never feel like looking presentable because you're always so tired but you have to because you have to work
     ...the neighborhoods are empty because everyone is on campus and having their 24-7 date with Mr. Harold (that's the Harold B. Lee Library in case you just don't understand)
     ...You take a break to watch the Even Stevens Movie for 20 minutes great movie by the way
     ...You take 3 exams in one day and are gone from home for 14 hours
     ...You have to recharge your laptop 3 times a day
     ...You text your parents after every exam to make up for the lack of communication all semester. Gotta get it in before the end right? Even if you are going home in 3 days...
     ...You know you need to go grocery shopping but you just can't do it because you leave in 3 days
     ...As a result of the previous, you live off of the Christmas goodies your friends/neighbors gave you as well as your roommates block of cheese
     ...You feel silly that you seem to be the only one on campus not freaking out and spend your time blogging about things like this instead of studying...not referring to anyone in particular...

Well that's what we got for ya. And now I don't really have much else to say. Life is good. Filled with joy, love, warmth, and peace.
Today seemed to be an emotional roller coaster, though. I was so happy at work today, putting together Christmas cards, listening to Christmas music, and being around good people.  But there came a time when I literally almost cried. Guess why. I'm sure you won't be able to, because even I was so shocked at the overwhelming emotion that came over me. It all happened when I looked at my book list for next semester, because I have to buy books before I go home. I was a little disappointed that I have to buy a different chemistry book than the one I have now, but I was pleased to see that I only have one book for each of my 5 classes. However, my spirits, heart, joy, and everything good in life, suddenly dropped when I finally added up the total price for these 5 books. Wanna guess how much?
      -Natalie said $300.
      -Bridget said $300, or $650.
Neither of them were close. I'll give you a hint. It starts with an 8 and ends in a hundred! Seriously?! 800 big ones for 5 freaking books?!? Ri.dic.u.LOUS!
So, I was bummin' about that for a little bit when I got back from work, then I realized I have the rest of the day to study for chemistry. Woo hoo. major sarcasm right there But it hasn't been too bad. I'm just ready to go home. To get out of Provo. To get out of Utah! It'll be weird being home again and not having Karch there this time, but it'll be a well-deserved and well-needed break full of family and good friends and the wonderful holiday spirit.

Finals week. The time of year when students seem to lose all sanity and even some respect for personal hygiene. A time of stress as well as relief.  A time where everyone is experiencing the same trials and no one can say "you just don't understand" A time of life that I most certainly will not miss.  If you're like me and taking finals this week, or even going through a stressful time or some type of struggle, do not be afraid. This too shall pass. All difficulties and trials are for our good and benefit- we all have our ups and downs. It's a part of life. But never forget to turn to those around you, to those that love you, and those you know you can always count on. Family. Good friends. God. It's possible to find peace in the midst of the storm to where you can focus on the good that is still around you and you can find that light at the end of the tunnel and know that this obstacle is not forever. Pray for strength, surround yourself with good people and activities, and never forget to look at what God has blessed you with. Happy Finals Week!  =)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

...A Planet Called Earth

This is a planet. His name is Earth. I think it’d be safe to say that we all kind of really like Earth and kind of depend on him for everything.  Everything? Yes.  Everything. 

Today in my Living with Plants class we talked about Conservation Biology. Now, I had previously decided that I was going to study horticulture and botany and minor in landscape design. While that is still probably what I’m going to do, this strange thought popped in my head today. It happened when I was talking with my brother-in-law Steven, who is going into architecture, and is really quite fond of the ‘green’ houses. As am I.  We were talking about how we could work together some day when he has his own firm and what not, and it was just super cool.  Then I got this thought: What if I emphasized in Conservation biology and then went on to law school…?  Now, having worked in a law office over the summer and being around law for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, I thought for sure I would never want to go into law. But if it’s related to something that I love, then why not?  It probably won’t happen because that’s a lot of extra schooling, but it might actually be a more convenient job or being a mom too.  So that had been going through my head all day, and then I walked into my plants class and low and behold, we’re talking about Conservation Biology! 

Now, growing up, I had been taught over and over that these tree-hugging, ‘save the planet’ people are crazy, because it’s just something dad didn’t really see as necessary. But hey, now I’m one of them! While in the church we are taught to be stewards over the earth, there’s a lot more to it than just taking care of the land you have, or whatever. My professor probably spend a good 10-15 minutes talking about what we find in Doctrine and Covenants 104: 11-16.  In verses 13 and 14 it reads “For it is expedient that I, the Lord, should make every man accountable, as a steward over earthly blessings, which I have made and prepared for my creatures. I, the Lord, stretched out the heavens, and built the earth, my very handiwork; and all things therein are mine.”

First of all, what is a steward? A dictionary definition says that a steward is “a person whose responsibility it is to take care of something.” Continuing on, the Lord says that the earthly blessings we are to be stewards over have been “made and prepared for [his] creatures” and that “all thing therein are” his.  From that, not only is the Lord saying that He created the earth and gave us everything on it (like what I talked about in “An Attitude of Gratitude”), but He’s also saying that He made the earth for His creatures. That’s plural. Meaning more than just humans.   Too often we take possession of things that aren’t really ours, but have only been given to us through blessings from God, whether that be opportunities, intelligence, a job, the means to provide, and everything else. 

We are taught to stay out of debt and to live within our means, but something my professor brought up today is that we also need to live within our needs.  Just because we have the materials available to us, does not mean that we have to use them. Just as we should not spend more than we have, we should not use what we do not need.  As stewards of this earth, we will be held accountable, and we cannot just exploit the earth, but we really must take care of it. 

Dr. St. Clair gave this equation:
                               Human Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology 

Now, I’m not going to go on preaching about how we’re destroying the planet, because I do not believe that we are destroying it, per se, but we as humans, as a keystone species, do have an impact on the earth, whether you want to believe it or not. And there are ways that we can decrease the negative impact we have and increase the positive ones.  I’m not going to get into all the categories that humans impact and blah blah blah blah blah, but my professor showed us this website to show us what our ecological footprint is.  It’s actually quite interesting.  After filling this out honestly, my results were this:

It’s actually kind of like a game, kind of fun. Check it out if you’re interested. We all have areas we could improve on. While we don’t all need to ‘go green’ there are little things we can do to help Mr. Earth and all the species and organisms that live on him. If you are interested in knowing a little more about our impact, I’d be happy to share what I know with you if you wanna shoot me an email. We are all stewards. We all have the responsibility to take care of the earth, and do it well.  We will all be held accountable for whether or not we did our part. Are you doing yours?   

This post is not to offend anyone who believes otherwise. It is my personal beliefs and interests, so don't be a hater. If you don't agree, that's totally okay. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

...An Attitude of Gratitude

So here I am. On my way home from St. George and a wonderful Thanksgiving break. Seriously, it was so relaxing in every way, I’m totally bummin’ that it’s already over. Bridget and I drove down Wednesday morning, and made excellent time. And that’s not just because I might drive just a wee-bit faster than most people….not at all….Anyways, we get there and my nephew Thomas is so ready to play. For reals guys, he’s freaking adorable! Look at this boy!

So Wednesday we just played and held sweet little baby Ella, and started getting some things ready for the next day’s feast. Thursday was Turkey Day! We started cooking early and we were right on schedule with having everything be ready on time. Brady’s parents were there as well, and his brother Paul came later that day to join in the festivities. It was great to be able to have everyone there together, just cookin, and eatin, and havin a muy bueno time.  

                                                                  Bridget holding baby Ella

                                                     Me, Tom, and Brady's mom starting Thanksgiving   

This was probably one of the best Thanksgiving’s I’ve ever had. Megan’s turkey recipe far exceeded delicious and I would most definitely consider our meal a feast. Everything was perfect. Nom nom nom.  And the decorations around the house made the spirit of the holiday be that much more present and made the atmosphere in the home so wonderful- everyone was in good moods.

After dinner, it was nap time for everyone. Thomas practically fell asleep at the table, and that turkey had definitely started to take its affect on everyone. Later that evening, everyone gathered around the piano and we all joined in making music. Brady’s dad was on the piano, Brady on the acoustic guitar, Bridget on the bass, Paul and Brady’s mom singing, and the rest of us just enjoying the music, singing along, and holding the baby. We played for who knows how long, but it was wonderful. I love music. It really is something that can bring the family together, ease the stresses of life and the day, and bring a feeling to the soul that I do not think could come any other way. Music is truly one of my deepest passions, and it’s something I always want in my home. If you have a talent in music, build it. Don’t let it go. Use it regularly and allow the power of music of work inside your heart and soul.  If not, at least find a variety of music throughout your life that you can always rely on, music that you could listen to anytime, anywhere, music that will make you feel good and just make you happy. For me, that type of music comes from many sources: it comes when I take time to play the piano on my own. It comes from listening to Rocky Votolato and Led Zepplin, tastes of which I acquired through spending many days and hours with my favorite person ever listening to such music. Though the styles may be quite different, I can always listen to this music, and it always makes me feel happy.

On Friday, Paul and the parents left in the late afternoon, after Megan and Brady returned from buying a Christmas tree!  Those of us that were there that night jumped right in to getting ready for Christmas and decorated the tree and put up the decorations around the house, while listening to Christmas music, of course.

Christmas is by far one of my favorite holidays. Everyone seems to get into the holiday spirit, and while it can easily become stressful in the gift-buying, decorating, and traveling, it is such a special time of year as we reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ and the importance of His coming to this earth. During the next couple days, we continued in the Christmas spirit and the power of music, with playing Christmas music at the piano, Bridget  accompanying on the bass once again. It was a wonderful time to be with family and to get the new season started.

                                                               Just playin some Christmas music 

Saturday was just a fun play day. Bridget, Brady, Thomas, and I went to the park and then we just played at home. That night, after making delicious vanilla ice cream and pomegranate milkshakes nom nom nom we had a dance off using their Wii, and I am sad to say that I am supes (super) sore, but in my defense, Bridget and I played for almost 2 hours and it was intense!  But that’s probably not a very good excuse for just being out of shape…

                                                                                  Seriously guys. Sooooo much fun!!!

Now for a special word on Thanksgiving.  It’s typical that we all take at least a few minutes during this season to count our blessings and say what we’re thankful for. But something that has been crossing my mind over and over again these last few days has been: Why aren’t we this grateful every day?  Doesn’t our Father bless us every day with the things we need to get through the day such as breath, a home, food, clothing, warmth, a job, education, nature and the sun, family and friends, a feeling of comfort and peace, and so much more?  Every single day we are blessed with what we need to survive one more day, and not just to survive, but to endure well.  Why not make the spirit of thanksgiving we find during this holiday season a part of our daily lives?
In sacrament meeting at church, the speakers were talking on gratitude, and both of the adult speakers said something that has already made a profound impact on me. The husband of the couple that was speaking said this: “In today’s world in the areas of science, art, technology, and everything else, everyone always says ‘We did it’ and the individual, ‘I did it’ whenever a new advancement or discovery has taken place. No one gives credit to God anymore.”  Everything we have on this earth, everything that is a part of our lives, has been given to us by our Father in Heaven. Many people would argue saying, “I work. I make my own money. Therefore, everything I have comes from my own skill and work.”  But aren’t you given those skills and talents and opportunities to work by God? Don’t you have the means to work and the materials needed for these discoveries because of what people have done before you to advance this far, based on their means, materials, talents, and skills that were given to them by God?  If you really look at it, EVERYTHING we have comes from God, even the breaths we take:  Christ made this earth under the direction of the Father, and during the creation He created plants, and it is through plants that we receive the oxygen we need to breathe. And not only that, but God allows us to breathe every breath because we still have a purpose on this earth and our time is not yet up.  God’s hand is in everything. It truly is.  Take some time to really think about this. Take a few minutes at the end of every day to see where God has helped you during the day, and to see what you have been able to accomplish because of the gifts and blessings He has given you.
Now what the wife of the couple said in her talk had an even greater impact on me. She got this from a friend, but she said, “What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you had thanked God for today?”  I wouldn’t have woken up with much…I would have my family, a few close friends, and really not much else. I would have woken up to have the atonement of Christ no longer affective in my life, which was a sad, honest, realization to me. Hearing that has completely changed the way I look at the world around me as well as the way I pray to my Father in Heaven.  But that statement is actually quite true. Why shouldn’t we thank our Heavenly Father for every little thing we have, because it is through Him that we have it, and, ultimately, He could make it so that we could wake up with only the things we thanked Him for. And wouldn’t that be an eye-opener.  Gratitude is not something we should make a part of our lives only during this holiday season during the last two months of the year. But instead, it should be something that is a part of us, a part of the way we live and who we are.                MY CHALLENGE TO YOU:  Take time to look at your life and the world around you, look at what you have, and really see what the Lord has blessed you with in your life.  Take time daily to thank Him for what He has blessed you with that day, and really thank Him for what you have and what you really are grateful for. If it helps, keep a gratitude journal, and just take a few minutes every day to write down some things you noticed throughout your day that you are grateful for. Doing this, I believe, really helps us to see how prevalent God really is in our lives, and I promise you it will change your life. It has already changed mine in ways I couldn’t even thing possible.  Let us be a grateful people, with an attitude of gratitude every day, even during those hard days. Be grateful for ALL that you have. And even if you have a crappy day, thank Him for it, for it is during those struggles that we are given the chance to change our hearts, and to grow and learn.  I am grateful for my own life, for a family that loves me and supports me. I am grateful to have the opportunity to continue my education at a University that has already given me opportunities to expand my future. I am grateful for parents who pay for my schooling, and for my scholarships, so that I actually can go to school. I am grateful for my job, which surrounds me with great people and provides me with the opportunity to provide the necessities for myself. I am grateful for my apartment, even if it does have problem after problem, for the food I have and for my roommates who keep me company and are examples to me daily. I am grateful for my missionary and the choice he has made to serve the Lord, for the blessing he has been in my life, and for the happiness he has brought to my life that I have never known before. I am grateful for his family as well, for the people they are and for accepting me so warmly.  I am grateful for the scriptures and for prayer, as a means to communicate with God, and I am grateful for the Holy Spirit that guides my life and has revealed unto me confirmations, impressions, and direction pertaining to everything in my life. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father, who knows me personally and has provided the means for me to live with Him and my family forever. I am grateful for His Son, Jesus Christ, who came to this earth to atone for my sins and to die for me because He loves me, and so that I can repent of my sins and draw nearer to God.  I am grateful that He sacrificed Himself in that way to serve as a mediator between me, and imperfect, sinful being, and my Heavenly Father, so that justice and mercy may both be served and I may still be able to live with my Father in Heaven. I could go on and on for what I am grateful for now that my eyes have been opened to the much bigger picture. Take time today to thank God for what He has given you, and tell Him what you are thankful for.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Something's been on my mind today, and that something is a little thing we all like to call 'Time'. Sometimes we like him, sometimes we don't. Sometimes he seems to drag his feet along the way, and sometimes we just can't see to keep up with him. But there's nothing more important than the time we have now, each and every day, and what we choose to do with that time.

My 'Living with Plants' teacher, Dr. St. Clair, has talked with us many times on the importance of time-management and really knowing how to know make time for the things that really are important. The first time he talked to us about this in class this is what he said (along with some of my thoughts on his points):

When we come to this earth, we come here to experience three things: a body, agency,
and time. The first two are the factors that will determine who we will be, based on how
we use our body and our agency. But it was what we choose to do with the time we are
given that determines if we can truly reach our potential and become who it is we really are
supposed to become. And because of that, time is something that Satan uses against us
more than we're probably aware of. Sometimes we do not take time as seriously as we should.
2 Nephi 28:24- "Wo unto him that is at ease in Zion" We cannot afford to be lazy in our daily
activities and responsibilities, nor can we afford to settle for the minimum. Satan will use
time to try and stir us, as his way to grab us. Time is a valuable thing-but it can also be
a dangerous thing. It can distract us from what is really important. Too often too many
of us use our time to do unproductive things, to refrain from learning and discovering
truth, to focus on the computer, the television, or the phone instead of looking at the beautiful
creations around us.

At this point, he made a challenge to us: take an inventory of your time and see what you really spend your time doing and how much time you take to do it. Lay down a sacrifice of that time to draw closer to Heavenly Father. You are only going to get more and more busy in life; the patterns you develop now are the one's that will be with you for the rest of your life. Doctrine and Covenants 25:10 reads "And verily I say unto thee that thou shalt lay aside the things of this world and seek for the things of a better." Take time to turn off your phone, turn off Facebook and your computer, to turn off your music, and to turn off the world around you and really evaluate yourself and the relationships you have with your God and with the people around you. Take time to strengthen those relationships and really develop the patterns of life you want to have, and do it NOW. Life gets busy, and it gets hard. But in the words of my dear missionary: "Just remember the important things like prayer and scripture study. Never compromise those times." While it is important to still do the things you need to, like study, work, and things like that, never compromise the time we need to have in our lives for "the things of a better" like family, prayer, scripture study, and our relationships.

Today, Dr. St. Clair spoke with us again about time. Only this time it was in relation to the future. He started out by telling us that there was a day a few years ago that changed his life. He came home, opened the door, and said "I'm home!" Nothing. No one came. No one said anything. When his wife came home, all the kids ran to her, "Mommy! Mommy!" and jumped into her arms. Dr. St. Clair said he took some time to evaluate his relationship with his kids. He found an article that talked about what the author would redo with his kids if he had the chance, and one that we focused on was bedtime. My professor said, "I used to read a lot with my kids, but now I read a ton." The author of that article he read explained how bedtime is a crucial time to be with your kids. It is in those 10 minutes or so that they're getting into their PJ's and brushing their teeth that the stresses of the day go away and they just talk. And that is when you can really come to know your child and can be one of the most precious times to spend with them. After reading that, Dr. St. Clair made some changes. Now, every day he leaves school around 5, and until about 8 he just plays with his kids. That's impressive. And he has an established bedtime routine for each of his kids, separately, and they each have their own song that he sings to them. Even his 13-year-old son-they read together every night and then just talk.
Can you image the difference a relationship like this could make within our families and within the lives of our children? Granted, I do not have children yet, but a long while ago, I decided how I wanted my relationships with them to be-and it was as if Dr. St. Clair was just expanding on my own expectations for myself and how I want my family to be. While he talked about this in class today, I couldn't help but think of my own parents. I love my parents. This gave me the chance to to reflect on how bedtime used to be when I was little: when Dad would fly us around the house like Peter Pan in our feety pajamas, and Mom would sing us each our own song. Mine was "Over the Rainbow". I remember how, when Daddy would come home from work, even though I'm sure he was so tired, he would always play with us as we would run up to him, sit on his feet, and beg him to carry us around. I'm grateful I had parents who loved me as I was growing up, and who still love me, who have supported me throughout my years, who take time to play with me, and who have always been there when I've felt like I've messed up just too much. My parents are amazing. And as I've started to grow up, I've thought a lot about how I want my family to be, and how I want the relationship between my kids and their parents to be. And it's a beautiful thing to have found someone who shares the same exact perspective of family as I do, and has the same desires for a family as I do.

But here's the deal with time. We're just going to be getting more and more busy as life goes along. If we do not learn how to manage our time now, then making time for the truly important parts of life will be difficult. MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: Take an inventory of your own time. It really can be eye-opening. Record everything you do, even if you only do something for a minute or two. Evaluate what you do with your time, and sacrifice one of those things that may not be as important to really do what matters. Establish your habits and patterns now, and prepare yourself for the dreams you have for your future.

Sorry-but I lied when I said I wouldn't make another post as long as my last one. But sometimes you just gotta put your thoughts out there. If you have thoughts on this or any other insights, I'd love to hear them. Now go and spend a day in the life of time.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

...Good News

Today was a pretty good day. I got paid to do my homework, and when I actually did work, I only had to go to one place on campus! Any day when that happens you know it's gonna be a good one, especially when every other day I have to travel to the four corners of the earth and back to do deliver papers. So not only did I only have to go to one place, but it was a B-E-A-UTIFUL day outside-I even walked around in my t-shirt. Now here comes the first good news of the day: Heidi walks into the office carrying a grocery bag. I smile at her- "Hey Heidi!" "Hey! You guys want some pie?!" Do I want some pie? Well that certainly is a silly question! Do you KNOW me?! Well, actually, she doesn't really, but still-the only person who would turn that down would just be simply off their rocker! And it was delicious pie. Berry. Nomnomnom. =)

Then after work came the other good news- the gospel. I LOVE my New Testament class. Brother Marsh teaches with such power, and while we might not get into deep doctrine, he has insights I never would have on my own and he really teaches in a way to apply the principles to our lives. Today we talked about the Second Coming. That Great and Dreadful Day. To be honest, I eagerly look forward to the Second Coming-while it will be dreadful for the wicked as they realize their destruction, I cannot wait to see more of the signs as His coming draws closer. I want to mention just a couple of points Brother Marsh made. In JS-Matt. 24:21-22, when it talks about the false prophets, it mentions that "they shall deceive the very elect (that's us, the members)," Brother Marsh made an interesting point that the false prophets are usually pretty obvious, like the one's that claim they are Christ and call people to follow them. However, he said, the false prophets in the Latter-days may also include a false form or idea of what and who Christ really is. Brother Marsh's comment made me think, and I asked myself, "Do we really KNOW Christ?" If we really come to know Him and take the time to talk with Him daily as well as to let Him talk with us, if we keep our covenants, attend the temple, fulfill our callings, faithfully serve and strive to be charitable, we really will know Christ because we will be becoming like Him. And I believe that by knowing Him, we will be guided by His Holy Spirit, making us able to recognize these false images, and to really know where the truth is. And by doing so, and becoming like Him, though we will not be a perfect people, we will be ready to meet Him when He comes again, and we will know Him when we see Him, because we will be like Him. I know that Jesus Christ lives, and I know that He and our Father both love us and know us individually more than we can even comprehend. They want us to return to Them. Do we remember the 'why' of the gospel and really love Them to not just go through the motions of being a member, but really take to heart the things we're asked to do, strengthen our testimony, and come to know Them like the Father and Brother they are to us? Despite the filth, scare, and vanity in the world around us, this is an exciting time to be alive. We have the opportunity and means more than ever before to really know who we are, strengthen our testimonies, and to share them to those around the world. Seize that opportunity. MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: take time to see if there's anything you want to work on. Pray to your Heavenly Father and really talk to Him. He loves you. He cares, even about the little things like when your ice cream fell on the sidewalk, or when someone made you smile, or if you're having a hard time even just getting through the day. Take time to strengthen your relationship with Him and with those around you that you love, for now is the time to do it! I'm taking this challenge myself because I am anything but perfect, and I know that by taking time to do this, we will each find the answers we are searching for, we'll feel the peace of the Holy Spirit throughout our daily lives, and we will experience more happiness in our lives.

Now that I just took up half your life by drawing you into reading this with my clever words and stories, I'll let you move on and carry on with the dreary, normal things you normal people do. Anyone, anyone? =) Hope you enjoyed a day in the life of my good news.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Let's get started.

My name is Kate. I is a college student. I study plants and landscape design. I spend my days doing homework or doing meaningless things when I don't feel like doing homework. Life is good, even when it is so busy and stressful. 

Thanksgiving break is coming upon me faster than the turtle caught up to the hare, meaning it couldn't be here soon enough to stop chemistry from consuming my life. But slow and steady, right?
Today was a feel-good day. Though I'm aching from a migraine and putting the pro in procrastination at the moment, it was a beautiful Fall day outside, and several people complimented me on my hair and outfit today. Who doesn't like compliments? My challenge for you: Take time to actually notice the things around you. Don't get distracted by your phones, ipods and whatever else you carry in your hands as you walk around. Put it away for 5 minutes and notice the beautiful world around you, filled with beautiful people, and take time to maybe go out of your way to really give someone a sincere compliment. Even if you don't know them. I guarantee it will at least make them smile, if not make their day. Share any experiences.